Time in the Development of Indicators on Sustainable Wellbeing

fiona ottaviati 150 150Time in the Development of Indicators on Sustainable Wellbeing: A Local Experiment in Developing Alternative Indicators.

A paper by Fiona Ottaviani.

This paper is a theoretical and methodological study on the topics of distribution of and competition between time spans dedicated to social activities in the development of sustainable well-being indicators. This article seeks to answer the following question: why and how should we take into account social time in the development of alternative indicators? To bring to light the complex relationship between well-being, sustainability and people’s relationship to time, this article draws on an experiment aimed at developing Regional Sustainable Well-being Indicators (Indicateurs de Bien-être Soutenable Territorialisés—IBEST), which took place in the Grenoble urban area. This experiment was based on two methodologies; the first one being a quantitative survey, and the second one being a series of qualitative interviews coupled with a participatory approach. One of the datasheet indicators developed following this methodological crossover is the activity times balancing indicator, which allows us to take into consideration the pressure affecting time spent on social activities (work, leisure, families and civic engagement).

Full article in: Social Indicators Research, January 2018, Volume 135, Issue 1, pp 53–73

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